“The state of our county is strong,” said Judge Hidalgo. “But being strong is about much more thanhaving a low unemployment rate or a strong bond rating. It’s about making sure that all of our residentsenjoy equal access to the great opportunities available to them in Harris County. Over the past year we’vemade county government more transparent, made strides to reform our criminal justice system, and havebegun to make up for lost time when it comes to investing in our flood control infrastructure. But there ismuch more to do, and we look forward to another year of ambitious, meaningful initiatives, including afocus on what we can do to improve early childhood development and education.”
Drawing from the “Talking Transition” initiative, Judge Hidalgo will kick off a community engagementseries next year as the first step towards a larger goal of a meaningful early childhood developmentinitiative in Harris County. Programs that focus on early childhood development have one of the strongestreturns on investment for any type of public program. Children who benefit from initiatives likesubsidized childcare and early education tend to have higher high school graduation rates, fewer arrests,lower rates of substance use, and higher rates of employment as adults.During her remarks, Judge Hidalgo also provided updates on key priorities since her swearing in. Somekey areas of progress include:
For a more comprehensive list of county initiatives and accomplishments, and a full copy of JudgeHidalgo’s speech as prepared is available on her county website at CountyJudgeHidalgo.com
Myths and Facts about the Harris County Judge’s Office