August 7, 2023
Judge Hidalgo announced today that, based on the advice of her doctors, she will be on leave from the office for the next several weeks to seek inpatient care for clinical depression at an out of state facility. Her medical care team is hopeful that she will be able to resume her normal schedule by early September.
During that time, Judge Hidalgo will remain in communication with key county staff and available to discharge her duties as County Judge. Since Commissioners Court rules indicate that the senior (longest standing) member shall preside in the County Judge’s absence, Commissioner Rodney Ellis has agreed to preside over official proceedings, including Commissioners Court. Additionally, the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HCOHSEM) has been notified and is fully engaged and prepared to respond to any potential incident or disaster during this time. HCOHSEM will continue to remain in contact with staff.
See below for a letter from Judge Hidalgo to the people of Harris County:
Letter from Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo
Dear People of Harris County:
I am writing to share with you that I am one of the over 21 million American adults that is suffering from clinical depression. For some time, I have been coping with this challenge, and it was undiagnosed until last month. Based on my doctor’s recommendation, I checked myself into an out of state facility to receive inpatient treatment in late July. It is important for me personally and professionally to confront this issue swiftly, so I will be taking temporary leave from the office while I am receiving treatment. My medical care team and I are hopeful that I will be able to resume my normal schedule by early September. I remain passionate about Harris County and its people and look forward to returning at full strength.
From the beginning of my tenure as County Judge, I have stressed the importance of mental health services. Depression and other mental health illnesses are part of the human condition, and mental health illnesses should be treated just like any other health condition. I feel so strongly that we should be open and forthright about mental health issues,which historically have been tarred with stigma that have prevented people from seeking the treatment they need.
My experience has been difficult, but I am taking it as an opportunity to be open about my own struggle, my ownchallenges, and to encourage others, who need help, to seek treatment. All of us know someone - a friend, a coworker, or a family member - who suffers from depression. I encourage every person that is struggling with mental health challenges to look for support in your community, your loved ones, and your doctor. If you need help finding support in Harris County, the Department of Public Health maintains a list of mental health resources that residents can find at:, or you can call 9-8-8. Remember to prioritize your own health and that you are not alone.
I will remain available in the event of an emergency, and the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management remains fully engaged and prepared to respond to any potential incident or disaster during this time, and I will continue to remain available to staff. Since Commissioners Court rules indicate that the senior (longest standing) member ofthe court shall preside in my absence, Commissioner Rodney Ellis has graciously agreed to preside over Commissioners Court in my absence. Additionally, my chief of staff will continue to manage the day-to-day operations in my office.
I am grateful for your understanding, as well as the support of my colleagues, friends, and family. I hope to share more about my experience upon my return.
Lina Hidalgo Harris County Judge
Residentes del Condado de Harris:
Les escribo para compartir con ustedes que soy una de los más de 21 millones de adultos estadounidenses que sufren de depresión clínica. Desde hace tiempo, he estado lidiando con este desafío y no fue diagnosticado hasta el mes pasado. Siguiendo las recomendaciones de mi médico, me registré en un centro fuera del estado para recibir tratamiento como paciente hospitalizado desde los finales de julio. Es importante para mí personalmente y profesionalmente enfrentar este problema rápidamente, por lo que me tomaré una licencia temporal de la oficina mientras recibo tratamiento. Mi equipo de atención médica y yo tenemos la esperanza de que podré retomar mi horario normal a principios de septiembre. Sigo apasionada por el bienestar del condado de Harris y su gente y espero regresar con todas mis fuerzas.
Desde el comienzo de mi mandato como Juez del Condado, he enfatizado la importancia de los servicios de salud mental. La depresión y otras enfermedades de salud mental son parte de la condición humana, y las enfermedades de salud mental deben tratarse como cualquier otra condición de salud. Creo firmemente que debemos ser abiertos y directos sobre los problemas de salud mental, que históricamente han estado plagados de estigmas que han impedido que las personas encuentren el tratamiento necesario.
Mi experiencia ha sido difícil, pero la aprovecho como una oportunidad para ser abierto sobre mi propia lucha, mis propios desafíos y animar a otros que necesitan ayuda a buscar tratamiento. Todos conocemos a alguien, un amigo, un compañero de trabajo o un familiar, que sufre de depresión. Animo a todas las personas que luchan con problemas de salud mental a que busquen apoyo en su comunidad, sus seres queridos y su médico. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar apoyo en el condado de Harris, el Departamento de Salud Pública mantiene una lista de recursos de salud mental que los residentes pueden encontrar en:, o pueden llamar al 9-8-8. Recuerda: hay que priorizar tu propia salud. No estás solo.
Yo y la Oficina de Seguridad Nacional y Manejo de Emergencias permanecemos totalmente comprometidos y preparados para responder a cualquier incidente o desastre posible durante este tiempo. También continuaré estando disponible para mi personal. Dado que las reglas del Tribunal de Comisionados indican que el miembro de mayor antigüedad del tribunal presidirá en mi ausencia, el Comisionado Rodney Ellis ha accedido gentilmente a presidir al Tribunal de Comisionados en mi ausencia. Además, mi jefe de gabinete continuará administrando las operaciones diarias en mi oficina.
Agradezco su comprensión, así como el apoyo de mis colegas, amigos y familiares. Espero compartir más sobre mi experiencia a mi regreso.
Lina HidalgoJuez del Condado de Harris
Myths and Facts about the Harris County Judge’s Office