
County Judge Lina Hidalgo Statement on Biden Administration to Increase Vaccine Capacity

February 10, 2021

Judge Lina Hidalgo statement on the Biden Administration's announcement to increase COVID-19 vaccine capacity in Harris County:

"We’re grateful for the Biden administration’s aggressive push to increase vaccination capacity across our region, and for taking us up on our offer to use Harris County’s NRG Park as a vaccination site. Reaching herd immunity is the keystone to recovering from this pandemic and getting our economy at full force again, but we’ll only get there if we work together to make it happen. Efficiency, fairness, and equity are the values we are applying to each step of our process to recover from this crisis and we look forward to working with FEMA and state health officials to ensure this effort reaches those hit hardest by this crisis. Vaccinations at this location are scheduled to begin the week of February 22 and we will share additional details as we get them."


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