Existing Baytown and Katy Testing Sites WillRelocate to Offer Additional Testing Options for Residents in Northwest andSoutheast Areas of Harris County
(Harris County, Texas) - May 28, 2020, CountyJudge Lina Hidalgo and the Harris County Department of Public Health todayannounced the county’s two largest COVID-19 test sites will be moved to newlocations. The testing sites will move to Pasadena and Cy-Fair from Baytown andKaty and will begin services June1 , weather permitting. Saturday, May 30, will be the lastday the Baytown and Katy sites will be open and residents in those areas whoneed to be tested are encouraged to take action to schedule an appointment assoon as possible. Smaller mobile sites will continue to visit the Baytown andKaty area periodically.
Harris County Public Health encourages anyresidents who believe they have COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone withthe virus. To receive free testing, residents should register and use theself-assessment tool available at readyharris.org or by calling 832-927-7575. During the screening process residents can select adate and time to get tested. Residents must have an authorization code to gettested and walk-ups will be turned away. Residents from other counties can alsobe tested at any of these sites. (Residents wishing to get tested thefollowing day should call or register online after 6:30 p.m.)
Testing is a key component of Harris County’sCOVID-19 containment strategy, which includes contact tracing and treatment.Testing enables health officials to identify new cases of COVID-19 so contacttracers can determine the sources of infection and help prevent further spreadof the virus.
Harris County operates a total of six testingsites throughout the county with the capacity to test up to 1,700 residentseach day. The two new sitesopening next month will be able to conduct 750 tests per day each, up from 500. To date, Harris County has offered testing at 29 locations across the county.The new testing sites will be located at the following locations (appointmentrequired, no walk-ups):
Pridgeon Stadium 11355 Falcon Rd A, Houston, TX 77065
San Jacinto College Central 8060 Spencer Hwy, Pasadena, TX 77505
Toprotect the privacy of patients and media are asked to refrain from taking,airing, or publishing video or still pictures of residents.
COVID-19 can be prevented by practicingsocial distancing, wearing face coverings in public and washing your handsfrequently. Harris County health authorities urge residents who are sick tostay home. Visit readyharris.org. for the latest COVID-19 updates, resourcesand recommendations for staying safe.
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