
Harris County to Open Local Recovery Centers for Survivors of Tropical Storm Imelda

Saturday September 21, 2019

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announcedadditional recovery resources available to survivors of Tropical Storm Imelda. On Monday, September23, two Local Recovery Centers (LRCs) will open to provide residents an additional way to learn aboutvarious recovery programs that may be able to assist them in their recovery efforts. The Centers will beopen from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to Noon on Saturdays at thefollowing locations:

Kingwood United Methodist Church
1799 Woodland Hills Drive, Rm K 105
Kingwood, TX 77339

Grayson Community Center
13828 Corpus Christie St.
Houston, TX 77015

At the LRCs, staff will be available to answer specific questions about recovery programs and resources.This includes information about where residents can find access to food and temporary housing, supportfor cleanup and debris removal, legal services, and guidance on how to file insurance claims. The Centerswill be staffed by representatives of the Harris County Community Services Department and a wide arrayof non-profit organizations supporting the recovery, including the Red Cross and Baker Ripley. Pleasenote that recovery resources and information also continue to be available at

“As we begin our recovery from Tropical Storm Imelda, we want to make sure survivors have all theinformation they need to recover as quickly as possible,” said Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. “Weknow recovering from disasters is never easy, but what we can do is make sure we’re doing everythingpossible to help residents navigate the wide array of resources being made available by our community. Ifyou or someone you know needs help, we encourage you to visit the Local Recovery Center near you orvisit”

In addition to the LRCs opening on Monday, additional resources continue to become available, includingsupport for residential cleanup. Residents who need cleanup assistance are encouraged to register theirhome with Crisis Cleanup by calling 844-451-1954. Crisis Cleanup is an online database used by localfaith-based organizations and disaster relief agencies to coordinate cleanup efforts after a disaster. Thereare no guarantees for service, but all disaster survivors with cleanup needs are asked to register. TheCrisis Cleanup line will be open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Residents can also call 24 hoursa day, seven days a week, to leave a message and receive a call back. 

Yesterday, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner also established theImelda Assistance Fund for residents who want to help the recovery effort. The fund was established tomeet the needs of those who have suffered damage during Tropical Storm Imelda and the flooding thatfollowed. To learn more and to donate to the Imelda Assistance Fund, please go to


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