
Judge Lina Hidalgo Calls for Stricter Gun Safety Regulations in Wake of Lakewood Church Shooting

Harris County, TX, February 16, 2024, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo issued the following statement in response to the shooting at Lakewood Church on Sunday:

“All of us in Harris County are hurting from the shooting at Lakewood Church. Part of our response to what is now just the latest tragedy like this, which is not unique, is looking at how we can prevent an unstable person from accessing a gun. The majority of guns used to commit crimes in Texas are purchased legally. The Lakewood shooter used an AR-15 that she was able to purchase legally, despite her criminal record and a history of violent behavior. 

Texas has a history of responding to mass shootings by loosening gun laws rather than strengthening them. This is demonstrably not the way to reduce gun violence. With state laws tying our hands, we can only do so much at the local level. I am calling on our state leaders to do what is beyond obvious and pass stricter regulations on purchasing guns in Texas, including a red flag law,” said Judge Lina Hidalgo. 



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