
Judge Lina Hidalgo Statement in Response to SB 4 Federal Court Hearing Today

Harris County, TX, February 15, 2024, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo issued the following statement in response to the federal court hearing today in Austin over whether SB 4 can go into effect next month:

“SB 4 is not only in blatant violation of federal authority; it’s bad policy. Putting local police officers in charge of detaining immigrants for deportation will not solve the issues at the border. Instead, SB 4 will create a culture of racial profiling and mistrust between police in the communities they are supposed to protect. It will also be prohibitively costly for our local government, and further strain our already overcrowded jail system. I hope the courts will stop SB 4 from going into effect and that the leaders pushing for this contrived solution will instead encourage their congressional counterparts to join President Biden in supporting the bipartisan immigration package. I hope as leaders that we can start working toward advancing real solutions at the border, not just political stunts,” said Judge Lina Hidalgo. 



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