
Statement from Harris County Judge Hidalgo on Sergeant Christopher Brewster

Sunday, December 8, 2019

We are absolutely heartbroken over the horrific murder of Houston Police Sergeant Christopher Brewster.  On behalf of Harris County and residents he served, I want to express our deepest sympathy and gratitude to his family, friends and colleagues. His public service and selfless commitment to protect our communities will never, ever be forgotten.

This unspeakable act against a member of Houston’s police force is a reminder of the constant dangers those who serve in uniform face each and every day. I want the men and women of the Houston Police Department to know that we stand in solidarity with you in grieving the loss of this courageous officer. Sergeant Brewster is a fallen hero whose grit, integrity, and sacrifice serves as an example for all of us.


Myths and Facts about the Harris County Judge’s Office